Glass pictures

Glass pictures

Modern pictures printed on glass are original wall decorations that can be hung in any room. The ones in our offer also serve as magnetic boards, as they are compatible with neodymium magnets. In addition to their magnetic properties, they have a specialized coating on which you can write with dry erase markers.
Due to the wide range of options, it’s easy to find glass wall art that suits your individual preferences. They are all characterized by high-quality printing, ensuring that even the smallest detail of the image remains visible, and the colours remain vivid for a long time. Additionally, glass prints are made of high-quality tempered glass, making them highly resistant to damage.

Breath-taking pictures on glass

Glass art pictures are chosen as decorations for living rooms, kitchens, or offices more and more often. They work well in each of these spaces, giving them an individual character. Glass wall art pictures for the kitchen can emphasize the utilitarian character of the room – enjoying a cup of hot coffee from the espresso machine while admiring an image of coffee beans hanging directly above the kitchen table is within hand reach. Or perhaps you prefer thematic graphics with spices from around the world? You can easily make your dreams come true.
Abstract or with a completely down-to-earth theme – glass wall art for living room can contrast the classic decor or complement it. Graphic options include both cosmic images as well as interior-warming marbles or bricks.
Glass wall pictures for the bathroom are often maritime and beach motifs. Who wouldn’t want to take baths surrounded by palm trees, yellow sand, and azure water? Use the gentle blues and yellows of the glass print to feel holiday tranquillity.
Harmony is also important in the bedroom. For this reason, large glass pictures for the bedroom usually do not evoke any extreme emotions. The sight of a dandelion, wooden planks, or Zen stones – pastel graphics with themes promoting relaxation make an excellent addition to the interior.
The variety of options and the possibility of adapting the glass magnetic board to your own needs make it also an attractive solution for businesses. It can be an intriguing wall decoration in a hotel, restaurant, or office spaces. In each of these places, it will be a great space for organizing information, as well as a unique decoration.

Functional and aesthetic glass prints

Personalised glass pictures are a brilliant gift idea for wedding anniversaries, birthdays, Valentine’s Day, and other occasions. With the possibility of using your own graphics, you can create a unique item that will surely surprise and delight.
Glass prints on the wall, combined with magnetic properties, offer even more possibilities. Admire their aesthetic qualities and make use of their functionality! Write down your favourite quotes on their surface with dry erase markers, hang shopping lists on them, holiday magnets, or favourite photos – everything you would like to showcase using a unique, glass surface.

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